NHGRI Analysis Visualization and Informatics Lab-space


Leadership Team

AnVIL is a collaborative project between the Broad Institute, Johns Hopkins University, the University of Chicago, Roswell Park Cancer Institute, University of California at Santa Cruz, Penn State University, Washington University, Oregon Health and Sciences University, Harvard Medical School, Vanderbilt University, and City University of New York.

Members of these teams are also involved with platform and software development representing the Terra, Galaxy, Bioconductor, Gen3, and Dockstore teams.

American Heart Association

Brigham and Women's Hospital

  • Matthew Lebo
  • Cheryl Clark

Broad Institute

Carnegie Institution for Science

City University of New York

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

Harvard University

Johns Hopkins University

Oregon Health & Sciences University

Massachusetts General Hospital

  • Jeffrey Klann
  • Shawn Murphy
  • Heidi Rehm
  • Victor Castro
  • Samuel Aronson

Moffitt Cancer Center

Penn State University

University of California, Santa Cruz

University of Chicago

Vanderbilt University Medical Center

  • Robert Carroll
  • Alexander Bick
  • Peter Embi
  • Josh Peterson
  • Jodell Jackson

Washington University

National Human Genome Research Institute

Working Groups
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