AnVIL Portal

AnVIL Magic 2020 - Massive Genome Informatics in the Cloud (MaGIC) Jamboree

Virtual Jamboree
Wednesday, June 10, 2020 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM EDT
Thursday, June 11, 2020 11:00 AM to 2:30 PM EDT


An introduction to the AnVIL platform to enable CCDG and CMG researchers to analyze GSP data using AnVIL tools. Participants will gain exposure and familiarity with available data, tools, workflows, training materials, and support channels of AnVIL. Participants will not become bioinformatic experts, but will know what to do or who to contact when the time comes.


In summer 2020, NHGRI plans to organize Massive Genome Informatics in the Cloud or MaGIC, a two-day, jamboree-style informatics event for introducing new users to the AnVIL platform for cloud-based genomics data analysis.


No computational expertise is required. Anyone from GSP who would like to learn about cloud based genomic analysis on AnVIL. This Jamboree will focus on highlighting interactive tools that are used from a graphical user interface.

Virtual Event Agenda, all Times ET

Day 1 (June 10th, 2020)

11:00 AMNHGRI welcome and introduction (lecture)
11:05 AMAnVIL introduction (lecture)Slides, Video
11:30 AMTerra - data access and discovery (lecture)Slides, Video
12:00 PMAnVIL data catalog and exploration (lecture)Slides, Video
12:30 PMBreak
1:30 PMLinking billing accounts, eRA commons account on Terra (hands-on)Slides, Video
2:00 PMUsing AnVIL to access, browse, and share data (hand-on)Slides, Video
2:30 PMBreakout sessions
3:00 PMClosing

Day 2 (June 11th, 2020)

11:00 AMData analysis on AnVIL - use cases (lecture)Slides, Video
11:15 AMDockstore and WDL (lecture)Slides, Video
11:45 AMTerra - for data analysis (lecture)Slides, Video
12:00 PMConcept of Workspaces (hands-on*)Slides, Video
12:30 PMBreak
1:30 PMBatch processing of data with Workflows (hands-on*)Slides, Video
2:00 PMExploratory analysis with Notebooks & R Studio (hands-on*)Slides, Video
2:25 PMJamboree closing
2:30 PMBreakout sessions


Please feel free to pass on any questions to Shurjo Sen.

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