BCC 2020 - R / Bioconductor in the Cloud - East Session
Virtual Workshop
Saturday, July 18, 2020 6:01 PM to 8:30 PM PDT
East Training 4
Bioconductor provides more than 1800 R packages for the analysis and comprehension of high-throughput genomic data. Most users install and run Bioconductor on a personal computer or perhaps use an academic cluster. Cloud-based solutions are increasing appealing, removing the headaches of local installation while providing access to (a) better, scalable computing resources; and (b) large-scale 'consortium' and other reference data sets. This session introduces the AnVIL cloud computing environment. We cover:
- use of the cloud as replacement to desktop-style computing,
- integrating workflows for 'upstream' processing of large data resources with interactive 'downstream' analysis and comprehension, using Human Cell Atlas single-cell datasets as an example, and
- querying cloud-based consortium data for integration with a users' own data sets.
- Participants should be comfortable working with R and RStudio.
- Some familiarity with Bioconductor is helpful but not required.
- No prior cloud-based experience is necessary.
- A Wi-Fi enabled laptop with RStudio installed.
1 sessions (2.5 hours)
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