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The R / Bioconductor AnVIL Package

Martin Morgan, Nitesh Turaga

An exploration of how workspaces provide a framework for managing data and large-scale analyses using the HCA Optimus Pipeline and 1000G-high-coverage-2019 workspaces and R using the AnVIL package.


  1. Visit the course schedule for links to the recorded session, and to other workshops in the series.
  2. The material below requires a billing account. We provide a billing account during the workshop, but if you're following along on your own see 'Next Steps' for how to create a billing account.
  3. Access to the workspaces we use may require registration; please sign up with your AnVIL email address.

Learning Objectives

This week we'll explore how workspaces provide a framework for managing data and large-scale analyses. We use the HCA Optimus Pipeline and 1000G-high-coverage-2019 package.

Key Resources



Essential Steps

  • Login
  • Workspaces
  • Billing accounts
  • Cloud environment -- (R-based) Jupyter notebooks or RStudio

Cloud Computing Environment

  • Runtime and persistent disk
  • A 'personal' cloud computing environment
  • Not shared with others
  • Ephemeral


  • Persistent disk mounted at
    • R / Jupyter: /home/jupyter-user/notebooks
    • RStudio: /home/rstudio
  • Startup script or custom docker file for 'sudo'-like access, and for complete reproducibility

Workshop Activities


  • Log in to AnVIL using the email address you used to register for the course and navigate (via the HAMBURGER) to Workspaces.
  • If you cloned the Bioconductor-Workshop-Popup workspace last week, delete it now. Delete Cloned Bioconductor Workshop Popup
  • Clone the Bioconductor-Workshop-Popup. Clone Bioconductor Workshop Popup
  • Start an RStudio cloud environment. Start an RStudio Cloud Environment Start an RStudio Cloud Environment Start an RStudio Cloud Environment
  • Launch the cloud environment. Launch the Cloud Environment
  • Copy the week-2-demo.R script into a file on your cloud environment. Copy the Script


  • In a new browser tab/window, navigate (via the HAMBURGER) to the HCA Optimus Pipeline workspace. This workspace demonstrates how scRNA-seq fastq files can be transformed to a 'count matrix' for interactive analysis. Navigate to the HCA Optimus Pipeline Workspace
  • Overall orientation: DATA TABLES serve as input to WORKFLOWS (scalable 'big data' computation). Data Tables Serve as Input to Workflows
  • Workflows transform big data using 'Workflow Description Language' scripts producing outputs (logs, results). Workflows Transform Big Data For this workflow:
    • Single-cell RNA seq analysis.
    • Inputs are fastq files from individual samples.
    • Scripts perform alignment, UMI processing, creating a 'count' matrix of gene x cell (sample) expression matrices, etc.
    • Primary output of interest is a 'loom' file summarizing the count matrix.
  • Workspace bucket / Files store workflow outputs (each workflow run has a unique identifier; logs and results are located under the identifier). Buckets also provide a location for storing and sharing interactive analysis results. Workspace bucket

The AnVIL Package

AnVIL Workspaces

hca = "featured-workspaces-hca/HCA_Optimus_Pipeline"
thousand_genomes = "anvil-datastorage/1000G-high-coverage-2019"

avworkspace()    # current workspace
avworkspace(hca) # set to HCA workspace



tbl = avtable("sample")

tbl %>% count(participant)

## tbl %>% avtable_import()

participant = avtable("participant")

participant %>% count(POPULATION, sort = TRUE)
avtable("pedigree") %>%
    count(Population, Sex) %>%
    tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = "Sex", values_from = "n")

## switch back to this workspace

Google buckets

## Copy files from google buckets to persistent disk

tbl = avtable("sample_set")

gsutil_cp(tbl$loom_output_file, "~/loom/")  # see also gsutil_rsync()

## Workspace Bucket -- 'backup' or share persistent disk to workspace bucket

avbucket()  # bucket associated with this workspace

avfiles_backup("~/scripts", recursive = TRUE) # see also avfiles_restore()
gsutil_ls(avbucket(), recursive = TRUE)

Fast Binary Package Installation

## do NOT update out-of-date packages yet

AnVIL::repositories() # binary Bioconductor and CRAN package installation

## install and use LoomExperiment
AnVIL::install("LoomExperiment") # about 40 seconds, rather than 10's of minutes
sce = LoomExperiment::import("~/loom/pbmc_human_v3.loom")

Access AnVIL from Outside AnVIL

  • Requires gcloud SDK installed on your computer.
  • Use SDK to register your Gmail account and google billing project. Use SDK to Register Your GMail

Access the AnVIL 'API'

leo = Leonardo()

terra = Terra()
tags(terra, "Workspaces")
wkspc =
    terra$listWorkspaces() %>%
    flatten() %>%


What You've Accomplished


  • Clone a workspace, launch an RStudio cloud environment
  • Navigate between workspaces


  • Elements of workflow structure -- DATA TABLE inputs, scripts, File outputs

AnVIL Package

  • Selecting workspaces
  • Managing DATA TABLEs
  • Moving data to and from google buckets
  • Fast binary package installation (in the 'devel' version of the package)
  • Advanced features, e.g., local use, API access

Next Steps

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Uploading workflows -- through GitHub / Dockstore, but also the Broad Methods Repository (YouTube); see also the WDL Puzzles workspace.
  • Default name and namespace -- the runtime starts in a particular workspace, and the runtime knows the default namespace and name. So by default, I had
    > avworkspace()
    [1] "deeppilots-bioconductor-may3/Bioconductor-Workshop-PopUp-mtmorgan"
  • gsutil_cp(): CommandException: Downloading this composite object requires integrity checking with CRC32c, but your crcmod installation isn’t using... This is a bug that should be fixed in the underlying image for the runtime.
Using R / Bioconductor in AnVILRunning a workflow: Bulk RNASeq differential expression from FASTQ files to top table
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